NFT collection of Broccoloidz grown with care on the Ethereum Blockchain, with 50% of proceeds going to agricultural social and non profit organizations.

What are Broccoloidz?
Broccoloidz is a programmatically generated collection of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. The collection consists of 5000 Broccoloidz.
Each Broccoloidz will be unique, coming from a combination of more than 80 carefully hand illustrated traits.
A big part of this project is to generate a steady stream of donations for chosen social and non profit organizations. 50% of proceeds from every Broccoloidz will be donated to agricultural social and non profit organizations. This also includes 50% of all royalties earned from future secondary sales.
Why Broccoloidz?
Broccoloidz is the product of the artist's love for farm vegetables and hand illustrations.
How to mint and at what price?
Broccoloidz will be directly posted for lazy minting to for 0.01ETH.
How will Broccoloidz be released?
All 5000 Broccoloidz will be processed for uploading to starting on Feb 12th 12pm
Where to trade?
Broccoloidz can be traded on
What's on the roadmap?
Nothing yet as of now. A big part of this project is to generate a steady stream of donations for chosen social and non profit organizations.
A portion will also be reinvested to create more farm themed NFT collections. Keep on a lookout for our projects!
Which social organizations are donations going to?
Our focus are social organizations that help improve communities through agriculture and farming.
The list of social and non profit organizations might increase in the future, but for now these 3 will be the main beneficiaries:
- Trees for the Future: Helps farmers in Africa by planting trees to regenerate their soil
- The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation: Planting fruit, nut and medicinal trees globally to alleviate world hunger
- The Learning Farm: Runs program in Indonesia that helps youth improve their lives through farming
*Note: We will send out donations through cryptocurrencies. If an organization doesn't usually receive cryptocurrencies, we will help them on enabling it. If an organization isn't willing to accept cryptocurrencies, we will send to another organization on the list.
The Team
Project manager.
Not obsessed with farm vegetables.

Obsessed with farm vegetables.